About Us
We are a grassroots community organization existing to improve the vitality of the south end neighbourhood and wellbeing of its residents.
Our Story: Since 2008
PULSE Inc is a neighbourhood action group that was established in 2008. The group supports community policing initiatives and quality of life issues that impact the neighbourhood.
PULSE Inc offers daily support services and programs that address the needs of the lower south end residents, including food security, tax and health care appointments as well as various outreach services. The group has been instrumental in neighbourhood revitalization efforts, including Rainbow Park Development, the south end community garden, memorial garden and community clean ups.
Meet Our Staff

Mary Lesage
Neighborhood Developer
Mary’s Role as Neighbourhood Navigator is to be a resource referral source for residents and to assist with whatever challenges or issues you may be facing. We work with you on your journey to make sure you have access to services in the community and provide support during the process. Issues someone may come to us with can include goal setting, needing help filling out paperwork, finding local programs to meet basic needs, etc. If there is anything we can work together on to achieve for you or your family do not hesitate to email or pop into P.U.L.S.E. Inc.
Contact Mary at pulsedeveloper.lesage@gmail.com, 632-6807.

Lisa Morris
PULSE Community Coordinator
Lisa is the P.U.L.S.E. Inc. Community Coordinator . Lisa’s Role is to take care of the building at PULSE including programs, creating the monthly calendar and the best part which is helping people as well as coordinating our community events.
Lisa is a community-driven individual passionate about making a difference. With a heart for food security and accessibility, I love bringing people together through community meals and gardening initiatives. As a proud parent of three, I draw from my own experiences to create programming that supports and empowers others. Join me in building stronger, more compassionate communities, one connection at a time!
Contact Lisa at Lisa@pulsesj.ca , 506-632-6807
Get Involved
If you have a desire to join us in changing the narrative of the Lower South End contact us via email, phone, or Facebook. We are currently updating our volunteer policies and will update our website soon with how you can get involved.
Monday & Tuesday 9am – 3pm
Wednesday 8am – 3pm
Thursday 9am – 5pm
Friday 9am – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday – Closed
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